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Nov 27, 20212 min read
Dear Lazy Loser, Hiding inside of me
It's interesting that I had planned to post this letter today. I actually almost didn't post it but not for the reason you might think....
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Nov 26, 20212 min read
ACT Starts with YOU!
ACT Starts with You When you DO the inner work instead of simply learning theory- that is when you BECOME a competent ACT provider. My...
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Nov 26, 20211 min read
It is ok to dissapoint people
*I'm not mad- I'm disappointed * Chances are, if you are triggered by this phrase you have a "people pleasing" tendencies or probably...
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Nov 26, 20211 min read
Take Care of Your Side of the Street
Inner work can be super confronting and uncomfortable but it's insanely transformative. Tips for making the inner work of ACT more...
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Nov 26, 20211 min read
Holiday Intention Setting Workshop with Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
Holiday Intention Setting Workshop! Join me on Saturday December 4th 2021 at from 10-11:30am PST for my very first workshop! If you have...
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Nov 26, 20211 min read
Breaking the cycle of burnout one layer at a time
I've been feeling creative and inspired! After doing a mini online retreat yesterday (a thing I've been wanting to do but feeling blocked...
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Nov 26, 20211 min read
How is ACT is ABA? The answer is in Verbal Behavior.
ABA includes Verbal Behavior - ACT is working with all forms of Verbal Behavior to elicit values based Behavior change- ABA creates...
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Nov 26, 20211 min read
ANDS are always a vibe
I know it's not always the most intuitive line of thinking- and it might take some practice to even notice AND/BOTH as an option. But...
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Nov 26, 20211 min read
I believe in Miracles
Your dreams can come true 🎉 ➡️ Get clear about what ➡️ Connect that want- to your why and what matters most to you in the grand scheme...
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Nov 26, 20211 min read
The only Coach & ACT Mentor in 1!
Being in the field of behavior analysis can be draining AF. I know- I have been in the field since 2005. But I can also tell you it...
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Nov 26, 20212 min read
My Hashimoto's Diagnosis and Workplace Burnout
I'm almost 1 year into choosing my joy & peace over the wants of others. I will always be grateful for this choice and even though I...
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Nov 26, 20211 min read
Getting Started in Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
The NUMBER 1 question I get asked! Where can I get started learning ACT? ➡️Get out of your mind and into your life by Stephen Hayes Has...
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Nov 26, 20212 min read
Blame is not a Beahvior Analytic Approach
People are products of their perspective in their learning history and their environments. I know you know this. I know you know blaming...
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Nov 26, 20211 min read
Triggers are an opportunity to grow
I was recently diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder- that means some some dietary changes. When you've spent the last 3 years healing...
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Nov 26, 20212 min read
A letter to the part of me I like, but that scares me.
Journaling is a huge part of my mindfulness practice and it's a huge part of my coaching. From my perspective, journaling is a way to...
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Nov 26, 20211 min read
We don't have to take ourselves too seriously to still be successful
It's safe to be all the parts of yourself!
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Aug 1, 20202 min read
So I decided to write a book
To me writing has always been something I enjoyed. However there are many ways that it has been a challenge. I didn't actually intend to...
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Jul 8, 20202 min read
Why you should journal every day
Specifically why you should journal about the good things that happen in your day. Writing long crafted journal entries is certainly not...
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Jul 8, 20202 min read
What is Mindfulness?
You hear this word, Mindfulness thrown around a lot. You vaguely know that its socially appropriate to be mindful... but what the heck...
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